Attention Busy Gym Owners Who Want More Memberships, Clients And A Proven System To Scale Your Location FAST…
Attention Busy Gym Owners Who Want More Memberships, Clients And A Proven System To Scale Your Location FAST…
Even The Most Struggling Gyms Across America Are Boosting Profits Up To 503% In 90 Days Or Less…

WITHOUT Sleazy Sales Tactics… Hiring More Staff… Or Working Crazy Long Hours… And Now You Can Too. 
Even The Most Struggling Gyms Across America Are Boosting Profits Up To 503% In 90 Days Or Less…
WITHOUT Sleazy Sales Tactics… Hiring More Staff… Or Working Crazy Long Hours… And Now You Can Too.
This Unique Gym Profits Formula Turned My Small Studio Into A 6-Figure PER MONTH Operation… Despite Being Located In One Of The Top 5 Worst Places To Own A Business In The United States…
Are you stressed over how you'll find your next paying member?

Do you feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends

Working tirelessly managing your facility but still not seeing the growth you deserve?

You're not alone…
Hi. My name’s Ryan Obernesser. And…

Just a couple of years ago I was living paycheck to paycheck

Terrified of losing the gym I worked so hard to build…

And I questioned if opening a gym was the right move in the first place… 
To make matters worse… 

I had no social life…

And hardly any time for my fiancé…

To be honest… I was surprised she didn’t leave me…

Our stack of bills piled higher on the coffee table each month... and the stress was becoming unbearable

One night after I crawled into bed...

I Overheard Her Crying On The Phone With Her Mom—Saying She Loved Me But Wondered If I Could Provide For Us…
Hearing the worry and mistrust in her voice devastated me…
And even though I tried being strong for her—I secretly wondered if I was being selfish…

That phone conversation led to many sleepless nights

Sometimes I’d roll out of bed at 3am and scribble down every possible solution to get my gym the ground…

But despite all of my efforts…

And the hundreds of hours I spent studying how to run a successful gym… none of it worked.
I Was Living Paycheck To Paycheck In My Own Business… My Credit Cards Were Maxed Out And I Was Unsure If I’d Be Able To Keep The Lights On. I Felt Hopeless

I quit my job as a Personal Trainer to start my gym...

I wanted to live my dream helping people, making money… and finally become a successful “gym-entrepreneur”

But with little business experience and no clue how to tackle sales and marketing…

I quickly found myself brokehumiliated… and exhausted.
I remember one night…

After a dozen 16 hour shifts in a row… I collapsed on my couch and dreaded the idea of opening my gym doors the next morning… 
I Wanted To QUIT That Very Second... Give Up My Dream… and Go Back To A “Safe” Personal Training Job…
I was ready to hand over the keys to anyone who would take it…

I couldn’t stand the thought of opening the doors another day, only to watch a few “regulars” trickle in…

Don’t get me wrong…

I loved that they were loyal to me. Some of them became friends over the months. But…

I knew deep down they were only sticking around because they felt sorry for me

Secretly I felt like I was letting them down…

Because my gym wasn’t “state of the art” like the ones down the street…

Yet as much as I wanted to throw the gym keys out the window and tape a sign to the door that said CLOSED

I had a churning feeling in the pit of my stomach that I’d regret that decision for the rest of my life…

And it would have been true. Because now…
I Earn A Higher Salary Than Most Doctors… And Enjoy More Time On The Beach Than A Retiree In Florida… 
But it didn’t come easy…

Because no matter how many 6am-10pm shifts I put in…

Or how many “special deals” I advertised on social media and in the community…

Even after spending tens of thousands of dollars on new equipment I couldn’t afford…

Nothing got better.

I was scraping by financially…

New guests would come in for a free trial and never come back…

And even when I’d sign up a new member… some old members would leave.

My gym wasn’t growing…

And as a gym owner you and I both know… if you’re not growing, you’re dying.

It seemed like it’d be stuck in the red forever…

It even got to the point where...
I HATED The Very Gym I Built…
And became bitter and resentful towards successful gym owners…
Sometimes I’d jump on social media during my lunch break and see all of my fitness friends bragging about how great their gym business was going…

Posting pictures of a packed house…

And sharing stories of the crazy amounts of new member sign ups they had…

How on earth did they make it look so easy?

Listen… I’ll get back to my story in a moment…

But I hope my struggle encourages you. Because…

If you’re a frustrated gym entrepreneur—I know what you’re going through…

And it’s NOT your fault that you’re struggling right now…

Because the gym industry is lying to you...

Keeping secrets from you that could easily 10x your profits…

The truth is…
The “Old School” Way Of Running A Gym— Doesn’t Work In 2019… And Strategies Used 20… 10… Even Just 5 Years Ago Are USELESS Today…
  • Posting motivational quotes and other generic content on social media…
  • Running promo after promo and offering massive discounts…
  • Flyer drops… 
  • Relying on the quality of your equipment to attract members…
  • Word of mouth...
  • Marketing yourself as the cheapest gym around…
… it’s all a waste of your time and money. Here’s why:

Reason #1
Increased Competition
20 years ago you could start a gym in almost any town or city…

Place a few machines and free weights into a warehouse building…

Drop flyers into mailboxes…

And voila…

New members would roll in!

This strategy does NOT work in 2019…


Back then there weren’t as many gyms to choose from…

Nowadays new gyms are popping up like crazy…
And all this competition means you need a different (and much better) strategy to stand out from the rest…

And I’ll show you exactly how you can rise to the top using the “5-Mile Radius Domination” Method.

I used this to beat out 8 big box gyms that opened within a 5 mile radius of my gym…

And still had the highest retention and member count in the area.

More on that in a bit…   
Reason #2
People Are Less Likely To Stay At A Gym Long-Term
People like to try “the next big thing”...

So they’re less likely to stick with the same gym for a long time…

So how do you get people to stay month after month (and year after year) at your gym…

Even when a newer, bigger one opens down the road?

Quite simply, you need a special rewards systems in place to keep your members 100% committed to you… and ONLY you.

Do this and your members won’t even think about leaving for another gym…

I’ll tell you more about this in a moment because it’s key if you want to run a 6-figure per month stress-free gym business

It’s called the R.E.T.A.I.N. method…

And it’ll keep members around for at least 2 months longer than the average.

And you’ll learn exactly what it is in a bit…

But first…

Here’s the third reason why the traditional way of running a gym is killing your success as a business owner…
Reason #3
More People Are Working Out At Home Than Ever Before
With YouTube and new fitness apps… people are watching workout videos at home now more than ever... 

It’s a rising problem for us gym owners…

And keeps potential members at home instead of the gym.
But there’s good news… 

You can tap into this forgotten market that most gym owners have given up on…

And turn hundreds of local “home bodies” into committed “gym rats” with my simple “Gym Rat Conversion” system

Even if they’re not looking for a new gym…  

This conversion strategy will have them knocking on your door tomorrow morning!

So the big question… 

If these old methods of running a successful gym don’t work… what DOES?

Well, you’re in luck. Because… 

I’m about to reveal my best kept secrets that will put you at a huge advantage over your competition…

Because You’ll discover the exact system which has taken me years of research and costed me tens of thousands of dollars to develop… 

But first. Here’s... 
How I Finally Uncovered The “Magic Formula” To Skyrocket My Gym Profits And Make My “Gym-preneur” Dreams Come True…
After being depressed for months while struggling to make a decent living from my gym… I decided enough was enough.

I was going to give it one final shot…

But there was a huge problem….

Even though I was slowly and painfully figuring out what NOT to do…

I had no idea what TO do…

So I had to find someone with a “special key” to turn my failing gym into a profitable business… or I’d lose it all.

So I searched high and low for a mentor to learn from…

And quickly discovered that if I had a mentor from the start… I would’ve been living my dream a LONG time ago.

In under a year my coach took me from a broke, beaten-down gym owner...

To a successful businessman running a profitable gym that earned so much revenue I was making folks with medical degrees look poor…

And I’ve combined these exact strategies to form the foundational pillars of a BRAND NEW system…
But it gets better…
Because along this new profit path I discovered even more ways to boost our gym revenue that’s now earned us… 
$700,000 Per Year With 40% Profit Margins In a Town Ranked in The Top 5 WORST Places To Own A Business in the United States…
It took me just 4 years to go from 0-$700,000 per year.

And, yes, I did it in a town where the median household income is only $31,000.

Plus 8 other gyms opened nearby in just our first 6 months of business…
So we had to fight tons of competition.

And we did— and won, following a powerful gym profits system…

Now, I don’t tell you this to brag…
I tell you this so you know that no matter where you’re located…

And no matter how much you’re currently struggling and thinking about throwing in the towel on your gym-preneur dreams…

You’re actually so much closer to “making it” than you realize.

In fact, you’re likely this one step away….
So let me introduce you to…
A Cutting Edge “Proven-in-The-Trenches” Mentorship Program Built To 5X Your Gym Profits in 8 Weeks Or Less… 
I’ve packed my results-proven system to reach $700,000 per year with 40% profit margins into a unique system called Gym Profit Take-Off… 

I still use this very system today… 

In 2019 my gym’s on track for over $1,000,000 in revenue with the profit margins staying around 40%... 

And doing it all in the 5th WORST place to open a gym in America… 

Here’s the great news for you… 

It took me the best part of 4 years (and boatloads of money invested in coaching programs and masterminds) to develop and fine tune this system… 

Yet I’m giving away all my best-kept secrets at a bargain today… 

So you won’t have to invest tens of thousands of dollars (and months of your time) figuring it out all by yourself…  

All you have to do is…
Implement Amazingly Simple “Plug & Play” Systems into Your Gym Business… And Watch Your Profits Soar By Up To 503% In The Next 8 Weeks!
Right now you’re likely feeling how I felt when I started my gym…  

You’re putting in long hours because you’re desperate to succeed…

Your business consumes every waking minute of your life…

And you have no social life outside the gym.

Your relationships with friend and family may even be suffering…  

It’s an awful situation to be in.

I get it because that’s exactly what happened to me. But… 

Imagine what it’ll feel like when 8 short weeks from now you walk into the bank and deposit the biggest paycheck of your life… 

And pay off every last bill in one fell swoop… 

Still with plenty left over for date nights… vacations… you can stache the money away for your dream car or house… the choice is yours. 

What matters is that you’ll be financially secure…  

With more options to do fun stuff with the people you love and with more freedom on your hands… 

Because your gym is practically running itself like a well oiled machine…
And if you think I’m full of it… 

I was able to buy my mom a car in 2017…  

Funny enough she called me her “favorite son” after. But the truth is…  

The brand new car barely left a dent in my bank account…  

I was able to go home that night… look myself in the mirror… and with a big smile on my face say, “I’ve made it.”
And in only a matter of weeks YOU can do the same. Because… 

Everything you get from the Gym Profit Take-Off Mentorship is… 
A Step-By-Step Rapid Gym Growth Strategy Put Through “Real-Life” Testing And Proven To Turn You Into A Wildly Successful Gym Entrepreneur…
There’s no “wishful thinking” or “cool theories” in Gym Profit Take-Off…

Everything inside continues to work in 2019…

And is conveniently ordered in an easy to digest format that’s so paint by numbers simple you don’t stand a chance of getting lost…

Inside you’ll find:

8 Life-Changing Modules to skyrocket your membership sales so high you’ll be able to move out of your one bedroom apartment and into a 5 bedroom mansion (Module #2 is what I like to call the “golden escalator” because it’ll take your sales to the next level… while ethically “stomping” out other gyms in your area)

How to feel like a Jedi Knight with “mind control” powers as you sign up member after member without getting many (if any) objections (Do exactly as I say and you’ll finally have the ability to close high-ticket sales even easier than most people can close “cheap” ones)

How to get a small $3,000-$5,000 revenue bump with a simple “specialty program (Just tack this short “member challenge” together and watch new clients flood through your doors)

Discover how I maintain a member attrition rate of less than 3% when the industry average is close to 10% (Not only can this make you a lot more money for almost no extra legwork… It also creates a culture which will make you fall back in love with your gym) 

Simple-to-implement trainings (I’ve made these trainings so easy for you to implement that even a ten year old could do it!) 

All the tools you need to grow your gym into your very own money pit (This removes all the guesswork for you so you never have to worry about whether or not you have the right “tools” needed to run a highly profitable gym)

In-depth video trainings so you can easily implement the proper systems into your business (These videos remove the need for you to even think about what to do next. Simply watch them… implement what I say... then sit back, relax and watch the magic happen)

How to get rapid and sustainable growth that never ends! (You discover how to grow your business quickly in the short-term… without resorting to strategies that hinder your growth in the long-term)

The KPI Tracking System you need to track your growth and fast-track profits (This could be the difference between operating like someone simply “playing” at business with no idea what direction they’re heading in… OR operating like a millionaire businessman who knows exactly what’s needed to succeed.)

Weekly Coaching Sessions (I coach you through the process of implementing every new system into your business and overcoming any obstacle that pops up along the way)

Personal feedback so you don’t have to worry about whether or not a particular strategy is right for you (I’ll answer questions about your specific business)

Exclusive access to a private Facebook Group (Connect with other gym owners to share ideas and discover what’s working (and what’s not working) in their businesses)

Hear first-hand about strategies making other gym owners in the program lots of money (The best part is these gym owners won’t be your competitors (since they’ll be based nowhere near you) so people don’t mind giving away their very best tactics to you)

Plus much more, including…
  • The step-by-step process I used to generate $62,374 in just 24 hours… 
  • How you can hit your first 6-figure month without breaking a sweat … 
  • How to spot easy opportunities to rake in money (that you’re likely missing out on right now)
And even...
The EXACT Sales Process My Clients Use To Close 3 Out of Every 4 Prospects I Meet (Without Resorting To Underhand And “Slimy” Sales Methods… Without Working Longer Hours… And Without Hiring More Staff)
My approach to sales couldn’t be any further from those slick “Wolf of Wall Street” types…

Sure, that pushy-salesman stuff can work…

But it doesn’t sit well with me.

I prefer a more ethical approach to sales. See…

My aim is to leave people feeling better than before they met me – whether they sign up or they don’t.

And you know what?

This friendly approach to sales converts like gangbusters. And as a result…

You’ll be able to charge members what you believe your gym is truly worth…

And most importantly—get them to eagerly pay you without any objections or buyers remorse…

It means you can put the days of launching promo after promo and discount after discount firmly in the past…

And even “upcharge” if you wanted to…

Without suffering a single penny…

And adding fistfulls of cash to your bottom line while you’re at it…

When you join Gym Profit Take-Off today, you get this unique sales approach for signing up your own members so you can make lots of money and feel good about yourself in the process.

Plus it doesn’t require you to work any harder…

In fact—you’ll shave off dozens of hours from your work week…

And you won’t have to add more staff either.

Gym Profit Take-Off is a simple way of scaling your business FAST… without having to hustle and grind for every penny…

Now, I get it...

Aside from the fact I run my own gym and am on track for my first 7-figure year in a town that’s known for strangling the life out of businesses—you might be wondering what else makes me qualified to help you.

Great question…

I’ve personally invested tens of thousands of dollars into learning from some of the best fitness business coaches around.

And took out a second mortgage to get their secrets at underground Mastermind groups…

And I’m happy to report you won’t have to…

Because when you become part of the Gym Profit Take-Off  family… it’s as if you’re getting coached by these gurus yourself… without paying anything near what I had to.

I’ve taken the best advice from each expert…

Blended it up…

Added several of my own ideas which I’ve learned from real life trial and error…


The result is this killer new formula. One I guarantee will create life changing results…  
It's Faster, Easier, And 10X More Effective Than Any Other Fitness Business Course, Program or Mastermind You’ve Tried In The Past…
Here’s the thing…

I could play it safe and say you’ll “only” double your profits in the next year…

That would still be good growth, right?

Yet I’m so confident in this system that I’m telling you it’s not only possible... but it’s highly likely you’ll increase your profits by up to 503% in just the next 8 weeks.
And you can be as “hands off” with the daily operations of your gym as you’d like…

Because with the right systems in place you can continue to grow no matter what the obstacles are..
Take a Step Back From The Day-to-Day Running of Your Business And Still Earn More Money Than A Rich Professional Athlete… 

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard “big talk” before… 

So you may be thinking I’m just another “guru” who promises much but delivers little… 

I completely understand... 

It’s only natural to be skeptical… 

So to ease your mind…  

Here’s what two of the most highly respected guys in the fitness industry have to say about me:

"If you’re a fitness business owner looking to scale your business to multiple 6-figures or more then my friend Ryan is the guy that will help you get there. He delivers the exact systems that you need to grow your team, establish a killer culture and take home more profits than ever. He’s done exactly that in one of the worst markets this country has to offer and will coach and mentor you to do the same.
Ryan is one of the few coaches out there that is actually in the trenches building and growing his fitness business while he helps you build yours."

- Bedros Keuilian
CEO Fit Body Boot Camp, High Performance Coach To CEO’s and Creator of The Project

"Ryan is a great friend of mine, and when it comes to running a fitness business he's as good as it gets. Ryan drives you to raise your game in all areas of life and business like no one I've ever been around. He constantly leads by example and there simply isn't a better mentor out there for fitness business owners looking to take home their first 6 figures."

- Craig Ballantyne 
The World’s Most Disciplined Man, Best Selling Author and Creator of The Perfect Day Formula 
And some of the Gym Owners that have worked with me...

Ryan's system helped me 2X my business almost overnight. Just one small tweak changed the game for me.

testimonial-image - Eric Escobar, Los Angeles, CA

Gym Profit Takeoff is second to none when it comes to implementing systems that yield big returns. Everything from sales, marketing, leadership, staff... Ryan's systems cover it all. I started with 100 clients when I started this. I'm now at 240 and continuing to grow.

testimonial-image - Matt Prince, Victoria, Australia

Ryan helped me grow my business, profits, and the culture in my gym with effective marketing strategies and techniques that work today. I'm not wasting money on Facebook ads anymore. I have consistent systems in place to save time. And people keep coming into the doors without any signs of slowing down.

testimonial-image - Aaron Newman
So, let’s get to the burning question on your mind…

How do I become apart of the Gym Profit Take-Off mentorship program?

I’ve thought long and hard about this...
One popular option was to have a flat fee for anyone wanting to join the program.

And while I’ve heard very good things about it, I still believe my system is the best…  

But I’m not going to do that. 

See, my mission is to become the best “gym-preneur coach” in the world…  

I want to transform the lives of as many gym owners as possible...

So the only way I can do that is if more of the right gym owners get access to the Gym Profit Take Off  system.

What do I mean by "The Right Gym Owners"?

Well the Gym Profit Take-Off isn't a program just any gym owner can join, it's for those who are the right fit

Sure, I can just open the doors of my program to any gym owner, charge a pretty penny and make a killing from those who'd like to join.


In order for me to help gym owners, I need to ensure they are a right for for this program. 

After all…  

The more of the right gym owners that implement this system and get results… the more my name gets around for being someone who genuinely helps others who were in the same struggling position I was in. 

Don't get me wrong, this program isn't going to be free my any means...

Because let’s face it, we’re more likely to implement something if we’ve got a bit of financial “skin in the game” so to speak.

Which is why you'll need to complete the application at the bottom of this page to get into the Gym Profit Take-Off system.
I know it may seem illogical… 

But it’s true—if you get accepted for Gym Profit Take-Off Mentorship you’ll soon have enough money in the bank to…
Get a New Sports Car…Book a 2-Week Vacation with Your Partner… Enjoy More Freedom, Less Stress And Finally Be The Success You Set Out To Be While Making A Positive Impact On your Community
And I’m not just offering you the Gym Profit Take Off system today.

By taking action now you also get… 
Fast-Action Bonus: FREE 1 on 1 “Super FAST Take-Off” Coaching Call ($250 Value FREE!)
Here’s why you need this… 

The 8-week Gym Profit Take-Off system will give you shockingly quick results…  

Yet can you imagine getting them even faster?

Well that’s what this 1 on 1 coaching call can do for you.
Before you even begin Module 1 of Gym Profit Take-Off, you can get on the phone with me…

Tell me all about your current business, including all the struggles you’re facing…

And I’ll give you advice that is 100% specific to YOUR business.

Which will be like pushing the fast-forward button on your success story… 

And is why I call this personal coaching call “Super FAST Take-Off.”

But listen… 

I can’t offer this 1 on 1 call to everyone who becomes part of Gym Profit Take-Off.

Because there just aren’t enough hours in the day to meet that demand… 

So I’m only prepared to offer these 1 on 1 “Super FAST Take-Off” coaching calls to a limited number of people…  

As of right now there are only 17 spots remaining to take advantage of this call. 

I expect them to go fast… 

Which is why if you don’t want to miss out on your “Super FAST Take-Off” coaching call, you need to get hold of the Gym Profit Take-Off system right now… 
And guess what?

To make this decision a complete “no brainer” for you I’ve backed you with my Gym Profit Take-Off… 

100% Money-Back Guarantee
There’s zero risk when you invest in Gym Profit Take-Off today.

If you followed every step of the mentorship and feel that it didn't help you, simply send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund.
You don’t even need to give a reason… 

I’ll simply give you every last cent of your investment back.

No questions asked.

(That’s how confident I am that you’ll love this program… especially when your sales grow by a whopping 503%)... 

Take my signature below as a pledge that I’ll come through on my every word.
You Have Two Options Of Where You Can Go From Here… 
We’re now at what I call the million dollar junction… 

Because whatever path you decide to take today could easily determine what the rest of your life looks like… 

The first option is to do nothing…

Continue on a path of stress, frustration and embarrassment… 

Spending countless hours at the gym trying to make things work… but leaving defeated after long 16-hour shifts… 

Because new members aren’t signing up

And you just got another email saying a fourth member quit this month… 

Meanwhile gyms pop up all around you that rob you of the clients you do have… 

You’ll continue missing out on the freedom you hoped to gain when you first decided to become a “gym-preneur.” 

Instead… you’re busy trying to keep your business afloat. 

I don’t wish this on you— I want you to succeed. Really, I do.

But at this rate you may need to shut the gym doors eventually…  

But listen—it doesn’t have to be this way… 

Because right now you have a golden opportunity to change your life forever… 

Because the second option is to say “yes” to Gym Profit Take-Off today… 

With this option you’ll gain full access to the system which can increase your profits by up to 503% in just 8-weeks… 

And you’ll 10x your life because of it… 

You’ll discover financial freedom you never thought you’d have… Because with this step-by-step business solution your gym will practically run itself… And… 

You’ll have more time on your hands than you ever dreamed…

New members will flock to your gym in droves… 

Even some folks from the next town over will drive the extra 10-minutes to get to you… 

Because there’s something special about the operation you’re running. And your current members can’t help but spread the word… 


Your friends will celebrate when you finally get your social life back…

And your partner will glow with excitement when you plan an expensive romantic getaway for two… 

You can even make it a two week vacation if you want. And charter a flight to a beach resort while your business revenue keeps growing… 

And every time you check your iPhone—there’s more green in the bank… 

And you get so many text messages from your employees saying, “New member just signed up!” that you turn off your phone…  

Because all the good news is “interrupting” your relaxing vacation… And best of all—this kind of success never fizzles out… 

I know this all sounds like a dream come true… But when you order Gym Profit Take-Off these are realistic hopes… 

And by this time next year you may have done all of the above and more… 

All you have to do now is click the button below right now that says “YES! I want to 5X My Gym Profits in 8 Weeks”
Best Value
One time payment
Get Started Now
Three payment option
See you on the other side,

Ryan Obernesser
P.S. Remember - this program gives you the exact solution to go from struggling gym owner barely making ends meet to increasing your profits by up to 503% in just the next 8 weeks.

I’ve “been there and done it.”

The strategies you get are the ones I used myself to take my business from $0-$700,000/per year with 40% profit margins in a town ranked in the top 5 worst places to own a business in the US.

If I can do it then so can you. 

Implement everything I tell you and you can get the “money-freedom” to buy that Porsche you’ve always dreamed of having…

You can get the “time-freedom” to whisk your partner away for a long vacation to Italy, Greece or a Caribbean island of your choice…

And you can get the “mental freedom” of not waking up every morning worrying where your next client is coming from… 

If you want all this “freedom” then click the button below right now:

P.P.S Don’t want to miss out on your 1 to 1 “Super FAST Take-Off” coaching call - where I help you get off to a flying start so you can make your investment in this program back almost overnight... 

Then you need to make sure you join Gym Profit Take-Off now.

As of today, I’m only offering the next 17 people to join one of these calls. 

I can’t physically do any more than that as they take up a lot of my time.

So click the button below right now. 

I look forward to welcoming you to our online family and helping you get the vacations, the car, the house and the prestige of being a top-class entrepreneur you’ve always dreamed of.

You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

What exactly is covered in each of the 8 modules within Gym Profit Take-Off?

Module 1: Your Fitness Business Audit, 90 Day Vision and Blueprint to “Close The Gap”
You discover how to audit the current state of your fitness business and identify exactly where you are missing out on EASY opportunities to rake in the money.
Module 2: The 8 Week Content Marketing Blueprint That Brings FREE Leads and Automatic Referrals
Want the exact content marketing strategy I use in my own business to attract people to my gym like bees to honey?
Well that’s exactly what this module gives you.

You’ll establish yourself as THE authority in your area.

Though warning:

If the thought of “destroying” your local competition makes you squirm, then perhaps the Gym Profit Take-Off system is not for you.


Because your content will be so powerful and helpful, people in your local area won’t even consider joining another gym. 

Your gym will be at the forefront of their minds.
Module 3: The Complete “Take Back Your Life” 6 Week Challenge 
This breaks down everything you need to launch your own 6 Week Challenge. 

It’s a key strategy I use to grow my own gym business at breakneck speed.
And before you think “oh look… another guy telling us to do yet another 6 week challenge…”

I’ve got news - 

This is unlike any other 6 week challenge you’ve ever seen. 

It’s a flagship program which not only gets fast results… it also transforms your facility into a place which gets long-lasting results too.

It helps you get a constant flow of new members streaming into your gym. 

Heck, your biggest problem after going through this module might be finding the space to fit all these new members in. 

But I’m sure you’d rather be over capacity than under, right?

Moving on.
Module 4: High Ticket Sales Training 
In the moments just before you open this module, you’re going to feel as excited as you did at 9 years old in the moments just before you opened your birthday presents. 

You know how in Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi waves his hand and takes over people’s minds getting them to do whatever he wants?
Well unfortunately I’m no Jedi Master so I don’t know anything about mind control.


This unique way of selling must be the closest thing there is to feeling like a Jedi knight. 

It allows you to close prospect after prospect after prospect.

Almost no effort required.

And get this:

I’ve tried all the usual sales tactics in the past. 

They didn’t really work.

And I felt a bit “dirty” because I hated “hard selling”. 

Yet this way makes selling easy.

More importantly, it doesn’t involve using any “shady” tactics.

You get to sign more people up to your gym while being completely ethical.

You’ll feel unstoppable as soon as I reveal how you do this.
Module 5 - Fast Cash Activators To Increase Your Average Client Value
This module focuses on how to launch the “speciality” 6-week programs I offer my gym members.
These programs generate straight cash and a whole new excitement level amongst the membership.  

It can give you a nice little $3,000-$5,000 bump every couple of months without putting in much work.

In fact the main reason I love these 6 week programs is because of how easy they are to set up.
Module 6: The “Magic Formula” to creating a killer culture that everyone wants to be part of for the long term
This breaks down the retention systems I use in my gym to maintain an attrition rate of less than 3%. 
The industry average is close to 10%.

So imagine how much additional money you can get for no extra work when you get your hands on this formula yourself.
Module 7: The step by step process I used to make $62,374 in 24 hrs 
When you get access to this process you’ll finally realize you can make more money in a single day than many of your friends make in an entire year.
And while it’s not fun to gloat, we all want to be the most successful person in our friendship groups, right?
Module 8: Bonus Material 
Get vital “extras” to help you grow your business even faster than Jack grew his beanstalk.

Moving on.

Is there any "face-to-face" contact with you during this program or is it all online based?

Good news.

This program is completely online based so you don’t need to worry about spending time and money on traveling to see me

What makes this program better than others out there?

As I’ve said, I’m still operating my own gym to this day. Everything you get in Gym Profit Take-Off is proven to work. 

Plus the weekly live Q&A and training calls mean you get to ask me questions about your own business. 

Not sure about something?

Ask me and I’ll tell you what to do.

Want me to give you the “green light” before you go ahead and implement one of the strategies?

Sure thing.

Got a question about something that’s not covered in any of the 8 modules? 

Again, ask away. (Even though you’ve got everything you need to grow your gym within the 8 modules already.)

Basically, I give you guidance related to YOUR specific situation.

Not many programs give you this personal touch..

What if I don't increase my profits by 503% in 8 weeks?

If you implement everything as I’ve laid out then I believe you will.

I wouldn’t make a promise like this if I didn’t. 

Though let’s say, for some weird reason, this system doesn’t perform as well as I expect it to for your business. Heck, let’s say I’m only half right. (Which I’d be disappointed by.)

You’ve still increased your profits by 250% in 8 weeks. 

Not too shabby, eh?

Yet if after 8 weeks you’re not delighted with your results, ask for your money back and I’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked.
No hassle.
No grudges.

Ryan, if your gym is so successful, then why are you giving away your entire system to other gym owners?

Good question.

Yet it’s a simple answer.

The systems I have in place in my gym (which you’ll get access to when you invest in Gym Profit Take-Off) give me the freedom to take a giant step away from the day-to-day running of the business.

So if I didn’t do anything else with my time, I’d get bored. 

Plus remember:

My goal is to become the world’s #1 fitness business coach. It’s what’s driving me forward and getting me out of bed in the mornings with a spring in my step.

I also sometimes get asked why I want to give this system away to my “competitors.”

But here’s the thing:

You’re not my competitor.

There’s more chance of dropping your phone in the Atlantic Ocean and then somehow finding it again than there is of our gyms being in the same town. (Okay, I slightly exaggerate. But you get the point.)

And even if by some miracle your gym is located in the same area as mine, it still wouldn’t bother me.


Because there’s room for more than one gym to be successful in any area.

How soon do I get to start once I've invested in Gym Profit Take-Off?

Once you complete the application process located below,  (which takes less than 5 minutes) you will be prompted to schedule a call with me...

Once we chat and ensure this program is a fit for you, you’ll then be able to access all of the Modules instantly.
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